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Hcg Diet Apple Day Protocol

HCG Diet Apple Day

  • Brian Connole
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  • Want To Know More About How To Do An HCG Diet Apple Day?

    Sliced Apple Intact

    An Apple Day can be very useful when it comes to breaking up a plateau on the HCG Diet. The only trouble is not everyone knows how Apple Days are supposed to be done.

    So today I thought we answer some of the more common questions that people ask about doing an HCG Diet Apple Day.

    What are Apple Days used for?

    For the most part Apple Days are used as a Plateau Breaker.

    When would I start my Apple Day?

    An Apple Day should always begin at lunch time and continue for 24 hours until lunch the following day.

    How many apples can I eat?

    You are allowed to have a total of six large apples throughout the course of the entire day.

    Do I have to eat my apples at certain times?

    No. Basically you can eat your apples whenever you'd like. But I would recommend that you eat an apple in place of each meal. Then in between your normal eating times if you find yourself getting hungry simply have another apple; just be sure not to exceed 6 apples during that 24 hour period.

    What else can I eat on an Apple Day?

    During your Apple Day, you are not allowed to eat any other food.

    What can I drink during an Apple Day?

    The only liquid that you should really drink is water. However, you should only drink just enough to quench your thirst; that is if you are still thirsty after eating an apple. Most people don't feel the need for very much water during an Apple Day.

    Can I do an Apple Day at anytime during the week?

    If you are using sublingual HCG Drops or Pellets you can do an Apple Day at anytime. But if you are doing the diet with HCG injections, you should NEVER start an Apple Day on a day that you don't take your shot.

    For example: If you are skipping one injection day a week, you should not start an Apple Day on that particular day. Or if a woman's menstrual cycle causes her to put the injections on hold, she should not start an Apple Day during that time.

    Will I lose weight on an Apple Day?

    Most people will not lose weight on an Apple Day. However, the Apple Day can help you to start losing weight as soon as the very next day. This is partly because of the water being eliminated.

    The good news is that the water weight should not be regained once you resume the 500 Calorie Diet again the next day. Plus, if you stick to the HCG Diet Protocol, you should continue to lose.

    Do you have any other questions about doing an HCG Apple Day?

    As always, I would love to hear what you think - So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.


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    Hcg Diet Apple Day Protocol
