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addictive websites to waste time on Need new addictive websites to waste time?
You came to the right place.

It's 2021. There's plenty of time wasting websites to keep you scrolling. We're skipping the usual suspects – Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, etc. We're sharing cool websites that grab hold of your attention and won't let go.

So here's a list of 40 best websites to waste time on the internet.

1) How Stuff Works

how stuff works addictive websites

Learn how stuff works.

2) reddit

This is my personal favorite website to waste time. Reddit is the front page of the internet.

Technically, it's a social news aggregation site, ranging from branded media to original content.

There's a million subreddits and growing. And each one dedicated to a particular niche topic. Whatever you're a fan of, you'll find like-minded people there. Here's some of the top subreddits to get you started.

  • r/AskReddit
  • r/funny
  • r/TodayILearned
  • r/WritingPrompts

3) Imgur

Pronounced image-er. It's one of the largest image sharing sites on the web.

4) Life Hacker

Old, but gold. Life Hacker gives life tips.

5) 100,000 Stars

100,000 stars websites to waste time on

It's sites like this that make me love the internet.

100,000 stars takes you through a tour of our galaxy. Starting at the Sun, you'll explore the far reaches of the galaxy with plenty of interesting factoids in-between.

6) Wikipedia's List of Conspiracy Theories

Scrolling through a list of conspiracy theories is as fun as it sounds like. Until you read one that starts to make a little too much sense. Try for yourself.

6) This American Life

I'm sure you've heard of this. It's one of the longest running podcasts. Created by WBEZ Chicago, This American Life shares stories that constantly engage – and often bring a tear to your eye. Here's on of the best episodes to get you started.

Episode 510: Fiasco

Episode Summary: A small town production of Peter Pan goes horribly wrong, and even the police get involved.

7) The Wayback Machine

the wayback machine websites to waste time on

Go back to a simpler time. A time where websites weren't mobile-friendly and every site looked different.

The Wayback machine lets you see what the web looked like in the past. Check out Amazon's 1999 website – you'll barely recognize it.

8) Wiki How

Answers to almost any "how do I…" questions.

9) Pokemon Showdown

pokemon showdown websites to waste time on

A Pokémon battle simulator.

10) Music Theory

Simple concept, hard topic: Music theory. Learn it here.

11) Bored Panda

sites like bored panda websites to waste time on

I can't get enough of websites like Bored Panda. It houses fun articles and is heavily skewed towards art, design and illustration-type posts. Users can submit anything they want, so if you're also looking for a place to share your art, this or other sites like Bored Panda might be for you.

12) OnRead

Get access to 1,500,000 free books.

13) Big Think

Get ideas and insights from some of the world's most successful people.

14) Smithsonian

smithsonian website websites to waste time on

Want to learn without going back to the classroom? The Smithsonian shares history and technology stories without the stuffy language. It's edutainment in the best way.

15) Flash by Night

Remember when flash was the thing? Relive the glory days with tons of flash games.

16) Think Geek

Shopping site with pop-culture toys, gifts and all sorts of good stuff.

17) The Office Stare Machine

The office Stare Machine websites to waste time on

The Office  nailed awkward office comedy. This is the perfect website to waste time on. It serves up every uncomfortable moment where The Office characters stare at the camera.

Just type an emotion into the site (like "surprised") and you'll get the perfect reaction gif.

18) Cracked

Here's another listical-heavy site for humorous content. It's not what is once was, but there's still some great content that'll make you chuckle.

19) Unplug the TV

When you want to watch something, and don't know what to pick, try this. It shows a single video, usually educational, so you can learn one clip at a time. You don't pick what you watch, but you do have the option to skip videos if they don't suit your fancy.

20) Incredibox

Incredibox music websites to waste time on

Mix your own music.

21) I Waste So Much Time

The name says it all – this is a website you can waste time on. Unlike Cracked, there's no long form articles, just memes.

22) Find the Invisible Cow

Find the cow on the page. Hint: he's invisible.

23) Rainy Mood

rainy mood websites to waste time on

Make any day a rainy day.

24) Forgetify:

It's like Spotify, but focuses on lesser-know artists who produce great music. If you're stuck in a musical rut, try this site out.

25) The Onion

The Onion has duped people for years. It's the pioneer of satirical news coverage and is still the best (in this writers opinion). What's really impressive is the number of jokes they cram into one piece of content.

Can't get enough of The Onion? Check out r/AteTheOnion to see the funnest ways people thought The Onion was "real news".

26) The Oatmeal

the oatmeal comic websites to waste time on

Oatmeal comic addictive websitesOne of the best comic strip websites to waste time. Web comics can be hit-or-miss, but this is a reliable source for funny stories.


Watch people play video games.

28) Little Alchemy

Little alchemy game websites to waste time on

This is a classic. Basically, you start with base elements – earth, fire, water, air. Combine them to make more advanced materials.

Eventually, you'll be creating complex things, like dinosaurs and magnets (how do those work?).

29) Mental Floss

Find facts, trivia and quizzes on "the encyclopedia of everything". You'll see anything from science to tech and pop culture here, all in bite-sized chunks of content.

30) Buzzfeed

You know what this site is. Lets move on.

31) Honest Slogans

Honest slogans websites to waste time on

It's like honest trailers, but for brand slogans, taglines and other advertising.

32) MUBI

My only problem with Netflix? Too many choices. No matter how many "suggested titles" I scroll through, I always end up watching reruns of The Office.

MUBI removes the burden of choice. The website only hosts 30 movies at a time, with a single movie added and removed daily.

33) This is Why I'm Broke

If you're flush with cash, this site might change that. This site offers unique gifts ranging from $5 to $500,000. There's some pretty cool products here, like:

This is why I'm broke websites to waste time on

Water faucet turned blue websites to waste time on

34) Optical Illusions

Remember the whole, 'black and blue or white and gold' dress controversy? These optical illusions will leave you scratching your head.

Like this one – is it a duck? Or a rabbit?

duck or rabbit optical illusion websites to waste time on

35) This is Sand

Quite simply, a sand building game. It's another flash-based site, but you can find your Zen by creating digital sand castles.


Have an odd story? Share is on ODDEE. The site keeps submitters anonymous.

And the web content is a collection of weird, odd and totally strange stories.

37) The Oregon Trail

The Oregon trail game playable online websites to waste time on

Probably the best educational game, ever. Some of us played the Oregon Trail in school – and very few made it to the end.

38) The Tone Matrix

Make your own music – just click some squares and hear what happens.

39) The Kanye Zone

Don't let Kanye into his zone. Literally, that's the goal – keep Kayne out of his zone, or you lose.

40) Timelapse

Google maps timelapse websites to waste time on

See how the world's changed in over three decades, thanks to Google's satellite photography.

Bonus! Find more addictive websites to waste time on

And if these weren't enough, here's a bonus website for when you're bored – the useless website generator.

Did we miss any cool websites for when you're bored?

Written by Taylor Dodds

What Happened to I Am Bored Com
